
Vacuuming - More Than Just Fun!

We are cleaners, we love to vacuum.  We like the sound of a fine running machine. We like the clean path made by a properly executed sweeping technique. And, as carpet cleaning experts, we know that pre-vacuuming is the first step a pro will perform in any quality professional steam clean. 

That said, we do understand that YOU may not view vacuuming with the same twinkle in your eye as we do!  That's ok, as most folks think of vacuuming more as a "chore" than a happy start to the day. 

Hopefully we can turn you around to at least liking your vacuum routine a little more if you know the skinny on how and why to vacuum.  Let us show you the way...

Best Techniques for Effective Vacuuming

What is the best way to keep your carpet clean? Of course, proper vacuuming!  A regular vacuuming regimen can have the largest impact on the quality of the indoor air you breathe as well as provide a lovely visual space.

Begin with a quality vacuum cleaner in good working order. HEPA filtration models are best as they filter the incoming air - trapping all those microdust particles and other pollutants - in its filter and exhaling, if you will, clean, filtered air back into your room.  It is worth the extra money to invest in a true HEPA filtration model.  You are getting two benefits - carpet cleaning and air filtration, so go for it. 

Check out your local vacuum cleaner retailer when you are ready to buy. They can offer good advice on the best option for your needs and the needs of your family. Many also office a repair service.  There is no need to purchase a cleaner from a box store and throw it out when it goes bad.  Utilize your local vac store - it's environmentally friendly to repair over replace.  

We are members of the Carpet & Rug Institute and happily recommend that you check their website (carpet-rug.org) for more info on vacuuming, vacuum cleaner recommendations, and general cleaning information as well.  It is great resource for consumer education.

Follow these quick tips and you will be sure to get the best clean from each vacuum session:

  • Check the bag/canister before you start. Empty or replace the bag when 1/2  to 2/3 full. Start with a clean canister. 
  • Make the proper adjustment of your beater bar. It should be resting on the carpet so it can brush the fibers. Set too high and it can't reach the carpet to properly brush. Too low and it will dig into the fibers.
  • Slow, even passes using a back and forth motion work best. Moving only forward or only backward or moving too quickly won't accomplish much.
  • Use your tools to get the corners, crevices, and edges where dust builds up.
  • Vacuum last, dust first. Any dust falling on the carpet can be removed with vacuuming.
  • Remember entrance ways and walk off mats.  These areas are where much of the soil enters our indoor spaces. Vacuuming them regularly will make a difference.
  • Have your machine in for routine tune up service to keep it running at optimum performance.


How Often Should You Vacuum?

In general, you should vacuum at least weekly. However, the more foot traffic over your carpet, the more often you should vacuum. A good rule of thumb is:

  • High-traffic (entry areas, mats, & traffic patterns) and pet areas - vacuum daily.
  • Medium-traffic areas - vacuum 2x weekly.
  • Light-traffic areas, using tool attachments at corners, crevices, and edges - vacuum weekly.


Remember, vacuuming serves several purposes:

  • Provides a  visually appealing environment.
  • Filters indoor air; improves air quality.
  • Preserves, adds to the lifespan of the carpeting.


Following these suggestions will yield a clean, pleasing environment while protecting your investment.  So pull out the vacuum and put on a happy face!

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Reader Comments (3)

I didn't know that vacuuming filtered the indoor air in your home before reading this. I do enjoy vacuuming, but I never saw the benefit in bold until now. I think I can stand to clean my carpets a little more now.
Cynthia | http://www.carpetsplusca.com/carpets/

October 2, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterCynthia Rose

Your tips are more than great! I'll use all of them! Thank you for posting!

I am definitely going to try a couple of these tips! Thank you for posting!

December 8, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterDiana Paterson

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